Cancer Biology Training Grant Hosts Career Development Workshop Featuring McArdle Alumna Dr. Asha Collins

The McArdle Laboratory and Cancer Biology Graduate Program were delighted to host Dr. Asha Collins to present and field questions as part of a professional development workshop sponsored by the program’s NCI-funded T32 training program in cancer biology. Students, postdocs, undergraduates, and academic staff were all invited to participate.

Asha  received her PhD in Cancer Biology at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research. She carried out her research in the  lab of Dr. Paul Lambert studying papillomavirus-associated cancers.  She went on to do fellowships at the National Academy of Sciences and NCI before entering the private sector, where she has been highly successful. Asha retains a strong bond to UW-Madison and recently became a member of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) Board of Directors.