On September 10, 2024, McArdle alumnus Dr. Nuruddin Unchwaniwala gave a special seminar, then met with Cancer Biology and McArdle students + postdocs for a professsional development speaker chat. The Cancer Biology T32 frequently sponsors …
McArdle Alumni Visit From Promega
On April 26, 2024, the Cancer Biology T32 Grant sponsored a professional dvelopment breakfast with four McArdle alumni that are now working at Promega Corporation in Madison, WI. Alumni in attendance were: Kathleen Makielski, PhD; …
Cancer Biology Training Grant Hosts Career Development Workshop Featuring McArdle Alumna Dr. Asha Collins
The McArdle Laboratory and Cancer Biology Graduate Program were delighted to host Dr. Asha Collins to present and field questions as part of a professional development workshop sponsored by the program’s NCI-funded T32 training program …